
Shanghai police: Fabricating and spreading rumors of 'people falling high due to typhoon', 8 people have been investigated and punished


According to the official Weibo account of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, during the impact of Typhoon "Beibijia" on Shanghai, there were rumors online that "some people in Shanghai were blown down and fell due to the typhoon". After police investigation, 8 illegal individuals who fabricated and spread rumors were punished according to law. On September 16th, during an online inspection, the police discovered that someone had posted a message stating that a typhoon had blown down residents of a residential area in Shanghai, accompanied by a video of people falling from a building. After verification, the content of the video shows someone from another province or city committing suicide by jumping off a building. Individual lawbreakers falsely claimed the location of the incident as Pudong, Minhang, Qingpu, and other places in Shanghai in order to gain traffic, and posted it online, causing panic among the public and creating a negative social impact. After further investigation, the police arrested the person involved in fabricating and spreading false information. According to reports, after seeing the video of the falling incident online, Hua Mouwu, Niu Mou, Wang Mou Wan, Gu Mou, and Liu Mou Qi fabricated and published false information about Shanghai residents falling high due to the typhoon without verifying the location and reason of the incident. They added fuel and vinegar to describe the incident as Pudong, Minhang, Qingpu, and other places in Shanghai, and posted it through online groups. Wang Mouqing, Pan Moutao, Qu Mou and others subjectively speculated and participated in the dissemination of information without verifying its authenticity. At present, five illegal individuals including Hua Mouwu, Niu Mou, Wang Moucong, Gu Mou, and Liu Mouqi have been administratively detained by the police in accordance with the law, and three individuals including Wang Mouqing have been given administrative penalties such as warnings. At the same time, the above-mentioned violators were ordered to clarify the truth online. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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