
University museums are worth seeing more


According to reports, the first Nanjing University "Museum" joint exhibition and the "First Lesson" activity for college freshmen have recently been launched. During the event, museums, history halls, memorial halls, specimen halls, and other institutions of various universities in Nanjing will be open to new college students, organizing hundreds of offline activities and showcasing hundreds of thousands of collections. According to statistics, by 2023, the total number of registered museums in China will reach 6833, with 268 newly registered museums, and over 90% of museums will be open for free. Museums provide the public with rich cultural and educational experiences. In recent years, more and more people are willing to visit museums, and the "museum fever" continues to heat up. This trend has also brought university museums into the public eye. Although located in an ivory tower, university museums are not inferior to ordinary museums in terms of the quality of exhibits and the level of exhibitions. Moreover, relying on universities, most university museums have unique characteristics and advantages, which also embody the humanistic spirit and feelings of the school. Take the Weapon Museum of Nanjing University of Science and Technology as an example. The museum exhibits more than 100 artillery pieces, including the Qing Dynasty's front loading smoothbore gun, the World War II era's "Katyusha" rocket launcher, and China's independently developed Type 78 82mm recoilless gun. The exhibits are complete in variety, numerous in quantity, and highly specialized. For example, the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Junjun Road Campus showcases various cool aircraft, including the first domestically produced aircraft of the People's Republic of China, the Chujiao-5, vividly outlining the development process of China's aerospace industry. It can be seen that university museums can fully leverage their disciplinary characteristics and professional advantages, fully utilize their "small but refined" and "small but specialized" features, further explore and utilize their collection resources, attract more people to enter, enrich the public's cultural and tourism choices, and better undertake the social education functions of universities and campus museums. Just this past summer, the topic of "difficult to obtain tickets for museums" has repeatedly become a hot topic in the news, driven by the reality that the reception capacity of some popular museum attractions is approaching saturation. In response, many museums have attempted to extend their opening hours and hold night events to better meet public expectations and needs. From the results, it has indeed had a positive effect. This also enlightens us that if university museums further expand their opening to the public, it means that the public has new choices for cultural and museum visits, which will actually have the effect of diverting visitors. In this way, not only can it enhance the public's cultural and museum tourism experience, but it will also help polish the city's cultural identity card and drive the development of urban cultural tourism. University museums are worth seeing more and have great potential. The key now is to get them out of their seclusion as soon as possible. Many people are concerned that the main task of university museums is to serve university teaching and research, and most university museums have problems such as manpower shortage and lack of funds. If the number of visitors to museums increases sharply after they are opened to the public, can the existing staff maintain good order? Will the arrival of numerous tourists affect the teaching order of the school? These concerns are not unreasonable, and therefore require all parties to collide ideas and work together to solve them. According to media reports, at the same time as the launch of the "Museum" joint exhibition event in Nanjing universities, 26 universities where 67 university museums are located in Nanjing jointly launched the Nanjing University Museum Alliance. The Future Alliance will further organize museum opening activities for teachers, students, and the public, gather cultural relics resources from various university museums, hold themed exhibitions, and bring more precious collections and research results from university museums to the public, promoting the normalization of university museum opening. This attempt has certain inspiration and reference significance. Other university museums may strengthen cooperation, exchange information, gather collective wisdom, and find a "breakthrough" path. We look forward to more distinctive university museums entering the public eye, adding another flame to the 'cultural and museum fever'. (New News Agency) (Author: Jin Yu, a media commentator)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:GuangMing Daily

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