
Malawian girl Xia Meili: full of expectations for traditional Chinese festivals


30 portions each of Wuren mooncakes and lotus seed paste mooncakes, making festive themed banners, purchasing special decorative items... With the Mid Autumn Festival approaching, Xia Meili, a Malaysian employee of China Railway 20th Bureau Malawi Office, posted a full list of preparations for the Mid Autumn Festival Gala on her desk. I am the overall planner for this year's Mid Autumn Festival Gala Xia Meili said excitedly. In previous years, Mid Autumn Festival activities were organized by Chinese colleagues; This year, the party plans to incorporate some local cultural features, and Xia Meili volunteered after hearing about it. "I am familiar with the local bands and dances, and I just planned my wedding. I want to do something for everyone." Xia Meili is confident, and because of the support of the team behind her, "my Chinese colleagues will help me." In addition, Xia Meili, who has studied in China for three years, also has a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture. "Moon cakes are the core of the Mid-Autumn Festival, representing reunion and yearning. In order to let colleagues taste the best moon cakes in the Mid Autumn Festival, I have tried no less than 30 moon cakes these days." In addition to inviting local employees to dance in Malawi, Xia Meili's main play for the Mid Autumn Festival party is that the Chinese and Malaysian employees sing the Chinese song "Wish a Long Life" together. When I was studying abroad in China, I learned this song and really liked it. This song is a wish for a happy reunion. "When Xia Meili was in her teens, her sister who was studying abroad in China described a friendly, civilized, beautiful, rich, and culturally profound China to her. Sister said that in China, there are subways and high-speed trains for travel, and online platforms such as Taobao and Pinduoduo for shopping. There are many beautiful items that can be paid for without cash or scanning WeChat codes, making life particularly convenient. These are very attractive to me because we don't have them yet in Malawi. Since then, I have been full of longing for China. In September 2017, Xia Meili received a Chinese government scholarship to study at the University of International Business and Economics and Beijing Institute of Technology. Her teacher gave her the Chinese name "Xia Meili". "I like this name very much and have been using it all the time. I also really enjoyed all the conveniences my sister said. Up to now, many of my things, such as computers, mobile phones, beautiful clothes, bags, etc., have been bought from China." Xia Meili is particularly unforgettable for her first Mid-Autumn Festival in China. At the Mid Autumn Festival gathering, friends from all over the world make mooncakes, admire the moon, and listen to Chinese friends tell the story of Chang'e. "I was very moved when watching the moon. A dozen of us from different African countries sat under the moonlight, looked at the moon in the sky, and missed our families in Africa. At that time, I understood the meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival - 'A Thousand Miles of Joy', and was therefore full of expectations for the traditional Chinese festival." Xia Meili smiled. Although it had been seven years, she still remembered the taste of the first piece of moon cake, which was the five kernel moon cake. It was delicious. At the beginning of 2020, Xia Meili returned to China after completing her studies. "I was pleasantly surprised to see that with the deepening of exchanges between the two countries, more and more Chinese companies have come to Malawi to help us build our hometowns." In September 2022, Xia Meili applied to join China Railway 20th Bureau as a human resources and administrative assistant. "I am very fortunate that my fate with China can continue." After joining China Railway 20th Bureau for three years, under the guidance of Chinese masters, Xia Meili not only worked with ease, but also fell in love with Shaanxi cuisine. "Most of my Chinese colleagues come from Shaanxi. Under the influence of everyone, I learned how to tear noodles. It's no problem to steam some soft and glutinous Liangpi." Xia Meili also wears a multicolored rope made on Loong Boat Festival to symbolize luck. Mid-Autumn Festival is the dry season in Malawi, with moderate temperature and less rainfall, which is a good time for construction. The Malawikapetenga Benga Highway, constructed by China Railway 20th Bureau, is currently undergoing asphalt pavement construction, and many employees will stay on the front line during the holiday season. "I have contacted the Chinese supermarket to prepare 150 hand gifts, including moon cakes, sweet scented osmanthus cakes, and some fruits, which will be delivered to the construction site on the Mid-Autumn Festival." Xia Meili said that China pays attention to unity and friendship, and can't afford to care for anyone. When will the bright moon appear? Ask Qingtian for wine... "In addition to her busy schedule, Xia Meili gathers several local employees every day to practice singing" Wishing for a Long Life ". She hopes to express her wish for the everlasting friendly relationship between China and Malaysia through the joint performance of Chinese and Malaysian employees. I believe that the friendship between Malawi and China will always be 'beautiful' like my name

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:Peking Daily

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