
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and Malaysia and the 2024 China Islamic Culture Exhibition "held in Kuala Lumpur


On September 10th, the "Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and Malaysia and the 2024 China Islamic Culture Exhibition" opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Chen Xiaojiang, Deputy Minister in charge of daily work of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice President of the China Overseas Friendship Association, and Datuk Naeem, Minister of Religious Affairs of the Malaysian Prime Minister's Office, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. More than 300 representatives and guests from the Chinese Islamic Association delegation, various sectors of Malaysian society attended. Chen Xiaojiang stated in his speech that the friendly exchanges between China and Malaysia have a long history, and under the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, the Islamic communities of the two countries have continuously deepened exchanges and cooperation. This joint exhibition of Chinese Islamic culture presented a unique gift to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. It is believed that this performance will further deepen the traditional friendship between the two peoples, enhance mutual understanding and trust between the two peoples, promote exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese civilization and Islamic civilization, and inject new vitality into the development of China Malaysia comprehensive strategic partnership and the construction of a community of shared future between China and Malaysia. It is hoped that the Islamic circles of the two countries will take this performance as an opportunity to further deepen exchanges, expand cooperation, and become an important practitioner and promoter of China Malaysia friendship, so as to promote closer relations between China and Malaysia and closer ties between the people of China and Malaysia. Datuk Naeem stated in his speech that this exhibition provides a platform for Malaysians to explore China's rich Islamic culture and the history of friendly exchanges between Malaysian and Chinese Muslims, showcasing the vibrant and harmonious coexistence of various religious beliefs in China. He hopes to deepen mutual understanding between the Malaysian and Chinese people and enhance the relationship between Malaysia and China through this exhibition. Yang Zaozhi, President of the Islamic Association of China, and Ye Yongxing, President of the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association, delivered speeches on behalf of the organizers. Yang Zaobao stated that the purpose of this exhibition is to promote the spirit of patriotism, peace, Middle Way, and tolerance in Islam through videos, pictures, calligraphy, painting, chanting, performances, and other means. It aims to continue the long-standing traditional friendship, promote cultural exchanges that integrate people's hearts, and continue to write a beautiful symphony of civilization mutual learning, to help build a community of shared future between China and Malaysia. Ye Yongxing expressed the hope that through this event, we can continue to strengthen cultural exchanges, advocate peace, harmony, inclusiveness, and diversity, promote the deepening of cooperation and development in Malaysia China relations, enhance people to people exchanges between the two countries, and strengthen communication and exchanges. This Islamic culture exhibition is mainly composed of picture exhibition, photography exhibition, physical exhibition, live demonstration of Chinese and Arabic calligraphy, painting and Paper Cuttings art, recitation of the Koran, playing special videos and artistic performances. It introduces the daily life of Chinese Muslims, the positive achievements of Islam sinicization and the process of friendly exchanges between Muslims in China and Malaysia to Malaysian people through multiple forms and rich contents, further displays the brilliant traditional Chinese culture, and promotes the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. The event lasts for 3 days and will end on September 12th. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:China News Service Website

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