
More than 3000 guests from China and abroad discussed the power of libraries in Yichang, Hubei Province


The 2024 China Library Annual Conference opened on the 11th in Yichang City, Hubei Province. More than 3000 experts, scholars, and business representatives from the library industry and related fields from countries such as China, South Korea, Russia, and Singapore gathered by the Yangtze River to discuss the power of libraries in promoting the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The China Library Annual Conference is the highest level and largest annual event in the library industry in China, serving as an important platform for promoting industry hot topic dialogue and cutting-edge research. The 2024 China Library Annual Conference will be held in Hubei for the first time, hosted by the China Library Association and the People's Government of Yichang City, with the theme of "New Journey, New Mission: The Power of Libraries to Promote the Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation". During the annual conference, seven themed venues were established, including "Inheritance, Transformation, and Sustainability - The Road to High Quality Development of the Library Industry" and "Innovation of Library Core Business and Development of Library Science Education", as well as 18 sub venues, including "Innovative Applications of Intelligent Technology in Libraries" and "Diversified Integration Libraries from the Perspectives of Chinese and Foreign Libraries". Kim Hong yeol, Vice President of the Korean Library Association, stated that the Korean Library Association and the Chinese Library Association have been actively exchanging and cooperating for the development of libraries in both countries. "In the future, we will continue to work hard to expand cooperation in more fields between the two sides." On the same day, the 2024 China Library Exhibition was held simultaneously and opened to the public. The exhibition covers an area of approximately 10000 square meters, with more than 70 units (enterprises) including the National Library of China and the Hubei Provincial Library participating. Through smart reading and digital libraries, ancient book protection, and historical and cultural printing techniques, the exhibition showcases the development achievements of the library industry. Yichang is located at the junction of the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, where Ba Chu culture, Three Kingdoms culture, and Yangtze River culture complement each other. In recent years, Yichang City has actively promoted the construction of the "15 minute public cultural service circle", and the network of public cultural service facilities has been continuously expanded and improved. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:China News Service Website

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