
Zhejiang Cultural Observation: How can Zhejiang innovate in building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation?


As an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, Zhejiang not only boasts beautiful mountains and developed economy, but also has a long history and splendid culture. In the face of new situations and requirements, how can we better leverage the "beauty of humanity" in Zhejiang and provide suggestions and ideas for promoting the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation? Daring to be the first and seeking innovation and change is a precious core of Zhejiang's regional culture Yina, a researcher and director of the Institute of Ethnic Literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stated that innovating in inheritance, inheriting in innovation, absorbing nutrients in openness, achieving organic integration of culture and technology, and promoting systematic innovation in multiple fields and all aspects are innovative practices in Zhejiang's cultural construction. The 3rd Zhejiang "Beauty of Humanities" Symposium was held in Ningbo from September 10th to 11th. The theme of this seminar is "Zhejiang Exploration of Adhering to Upholding Integrity and Innovating to Promote Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation", focusing on promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and contributing the wisdom of Zhejiang's cultural and historical personnel in the new era to building a community with a shared future for mankind. In November 2022, the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Culture and History, in collaboration with the institutes of culture and history in 11 prefecture level cities, held the first "Beauty of Humanities" seminar, dedicated to transforming the "beauty of humanities" into a powerful force for promoting social progress and cultural prosperity. Wang Yongchang, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress and director of the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Culture and History, stated that cultural and historical workers should make positive contributions to the exploration of building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation in Zhejiang. He called on cultural and historical workers in Zhejiang not only to have a comprehensive and broad mind and vision, but also to give more thinking and summary to the practice of modernization construction in Zhejiang, integrate wisdom into the rational observation and cultural observation of the development of the times, and create a picture of social reality and contemporary civilization resonating and complementing each other. Zhong Chengxiang, a curator and literary critic at the Central Institute of Culture and History, stated that promoting the construction of modern Chinese civilization requires inheriting and promoting the spirit of Chinese aesthetics. He believes that the sixteen character "motto" summarized by the famous sociologist Fei Xiaotong, which includes "each beauty is its own beauty, beauty is beauty, beauty is shared, and the world is harmonious," is not only a vivid portrayal of cultural diversity, but also accurately summarizes the key dimensions of current development in the cultural and artistic fields. Among them, the concept of "beauty of beauty" emphasizes respecting and appreciating the unique beauty of each culture, while actively seeking the integration and fusion of different cultures, in order to create a socialist advanced culture that is both rich in the spirit of the times and deeply characterized by national characteristics. Chen Ye, a curator at the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Culture and History and former vice president of the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, stated that in the context of building modern civilization for the Chinese nation, it is necessary to extract relevant elements from a perspective that is beneficial to the construction of a modern civilization system, especially to accurately grasp traditional cultural elements with contemporary value. Some of them are no longer suitable for contemporary society or need to be transformed using modern concepts. What contributions did the Wu Yue culture of the Five Dynasties make to ancient Chinese culture? How can Yangming School be integrated into the English speaking world? How to further enhance the influence of Majiabang culture? On site, librarians, experts, and scholars from various cultural and historical museums in Zhejiang Province elaborated on Zhejiang's innovative practices in the field of cultural construction from different perspectives and cases. From ancient philosophical wisdom to modern international communication, Yangming School, with its charm spanning time and space, is gradually opening a new chapter in the context of globalization. Yangming School in the context of internationalization, with its significant openness, diversity, and values constructed with a strong humanistic concern for conscience, has gradually crossed cultural and regional boundaries and gained increasingly widespread recognition and admiration Xin Hongjuan, a specially invited expert at the Ningbo Institute of Culture and History and a professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University, stated that the creative transformation of Yangming studies is a fusion of wisdom under the perspective of reality. When it comes to cultural inheritance and innovation, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries are also worth paying attention to. Looking to the future, in terms of Hujiu, we should focus on refining and optimizing, positioning ourselves as the 'singles champion', and competing for cultural advantages Shen Xingyuan, Deputy Director of the Huzhou Cultural and Historical Research Institute, used the Huzhou liquor industry as an example to analyze the innovative development of classic industries. He explained that the reputation of local liquor brands cannot be separated from cultural accumulation. "Liquor is material, but it is also integrated into the spiritual life of Huzhou people. Through historical accumulation, it has formed a folk culture with local characteristics, full of human touch. Chinese civilization, with its unique immortality, stands tall in the forest of world civilizations and has become the only shining galaxy that has never been interrupted. There are many vivid examples in Ningbo - the 8000 year old Jingtoushan site and the 7000 year old Hemudu culture, witnessing the integration and development of Chinese maritime civilization and rice cultivation civilization Chen Long, Chairman of the Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, stated that Ningbo is fully promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, especially contemporary innovative achievements, with a vision of "facing east is the sea". It is reported that this seminar is guided by the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Culture and History, the Ningbo Municipal Political Consultative Conference, and organized by the Ningbo Municipal Institute of Culture and History. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:China News Service Website

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