
Viewing Ethnic Exchange and Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance from the "Xinjiang Pottery Art Exhibition"


The "Xinjiang Pottery Art Exhibition" recently opened at the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, showcasing over 800 pieces of Xinjiang pottery. Xinjiang earthenware has a long history, originating from the production and living practices of people of all ethnic groups. Its development has been accompanied by the historical process of economic and cultural exchanges and ethnic integration between the East and the West. Its techniques and artistic styles show the characteristics of integrating the East and the West, being compatible and inclusive. It is an important manifestation of the excellent cultural exchange and mutual learning among various ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and an important carrier for enhancing cultural identity and forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation. In 2006, the "Uyghur molded clay pottery firing technique" was included in the first batch of representative projects of national intangible cultural heritage. To ensure the success of this exhibition, the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum has organized multiple expert seminars, conducted field investigations, visited inheritors of clay pottery skills, and specially organized a filming team. Famous directors and producers have been invited to shoot and produce feature films in multiple places in Xinjiang. On this basis, the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum has selected pottery materials and pictures unearthed from various periods in Xinjiang since prehistoric times, as well as related physical objects of earth pottery techniques listed as national intangible cultural heritage, as the main content of the exhibition. It is divided into three units: "The Road of Colored Pottery", "Ten Thousand Miles of Same Wind", and "Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance". The Uyghur molded pottery firing techniques exhibited on site include jars, pots, plates, bowls, bottles, basins, etc. These objects have diverse shapes, exquisite patterns, and strong practicality. They are divided into plain pottery and glazed pottery. The earth pottery also uses patterns of flowers, leaves, grapes, feathers, fish, birds, etc. The glazed earth pottery works come in dark green, light green, brown, white, yellow, red and other colors, showcasing the rich variety and appearance of Xinjiang earth pottery works, as well as the historical culture, modern life, and future inheritance carried by Xinjiang earth pottery. It is reported that there are dozens of pottery making workshops in the Gaotai Residential Scenic Area and Kashgar Ancient City Scenic Area in Kashgar City, the Tumushuke Pottery Art Museum in Tumushuke City, the Xinjiang Desert Pottery Art Museum in Turpan City, and the "Pottery Village" in Yingjisha County. In these places of pottery making, production, and skill inheritance, nearly a hundred types of pottery daily necessities and decorative items can be seen. This exhibition is funded by the National Art Foundation's 2024 Communication, Exchange, and Promotion Project. It is jointly organized by the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Cultural, Sports, Radio, Television, and Tourism Bureau. It will last until November 24th. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:China News Service Website

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