Think Tank

Don't let no secret payment become a 'delayed payment' anymore


"Payment after use and secret free payment are 'money swallowing experts'!" Recently, Ms. Peng, a Shenzhen consumer, complained that she opened this setting "late" when she didn't know it. After receiving the express delivery, she found that 3-year-old children at home can also shop online. A reporter's investigation found that online payment settings such as no password payment, pay before use, fast payment, and automatic deduction of small amounts have caused headaches for many consumers. Sometimes, they accidentally fall into traps and spend money "inexplicably". Payment can be completed without entering a password or consumer signature, so password free payment is now widely popular. However, some users were previously opened for non confidential payments without their knowledge, and only discovered that their accounts had been hacked after receiving frequent billing reminders. Another issue that has sparked discussions among netizens is that the payment process is too fast, and orders can be successfully placed with just one or two clicks, making it easier for children and elderly people at home to make mistakes; Consumers who return unintentionally ordered goods are prone to arguing with merchants. Moreover, users face the challenge of "easy activation and difficult cancellation", where they are unaware or default when activating, and when they want to cancel, the platform repeatedly "retains" them by promising continuous improvement, and creates obstacles through "one click activation, N-key cancellation" and other methods. In response to the current problems with encrypted payment, system rectification is needed, which requires overall deployment from relevant parties, including payment institutions, e-commerce platforms, and even online store merchants. That is to say, the password free payment function should not only facilitate users' spending, but also ensure their right to know, choose, be safe, regret, cancel, and so on. Each of these rights is related to the vital interests of users and needs to be highly valued by all parties involved to promptly curb the chaos of non confidential payments. Firstly, whether to activate the password free payment function should be decided by the user. This can not only protect consumers' right to know and choose, but also prevent account funds from being stolen, that is, safeguard consumers' right to security protection. We must resolutely correct the phenomenon of 'being exempted from confidentiality'. This requires the effective implementation of the Consumer Rights Protection Law and its implementing regulations, especially the implementation regulations that focus on refining the obligations of operators and make special provisions for new issues in new fields such as automatic renewal. Secondly, there should be corresponding technical and institutional arrangements to address user "mistakes". Not only children and the elderly are prone to "mistakes", but also middle-aged and young people who are not careful. This "no password+flash payment" goes against the true wishes of consumers, and subsequent returns will also face difficulties in providing evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to address the phenomenon of easy "mistakes" by making corrections and defenses at the technical level, as well as solving the difficulties in returning and refunding caused by "mistakes". Secret free payment should be included in the seven day no reason return and refund policy. Again, it is necessary to provide convenience for users to cancel the password free payment function. To be frank, the main reason why some platforms are "exempt from confidentiality" or "difficult to cancel" is only one: driven by interests. Due to the fact that third-party payment institutions will receive a certain service share in user transaction payments, e-commerce platforms will increase transaction volume. Therefore, they try their best to encourage users to consume and pay more, and are even more unwilling for users to cancel the password free payment function. This undoubtedly infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and the cancellation process should be simplified to facilitate users to cancel with just one click. Finally, it is also necessary to encourage full competition among third-party payment institutions and e-commerce platforms, and to force the standardization of the no secret payment function through market competition, prevent "mistakes", cancel this function to achieve convenience, and safeguard consumer rights and payment market order. I hope that the issues raised by netizens and the suggestions of professionals can be highly valued by relevant parties and accelerate rectification. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

Source:Yangtse Evening Post

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