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Macau officially elected as the "East Asian Cultural Capital" for 2025


The reporter learned from the Office of the Director General of the Department of Social and Cultural Affairs of the Macao Special Administrative Region that the "East Asian Cultural Capital" award ceremony for 2025 was held in Kyoto, Japan on the 12th. Ouyang Yu, the Director General of the Department of Social and Cultural Affairs of the Macao Special Administrative Region, accepted the award of the prestigious brand as a representative of the Macao Special Administrative Region government. Macao was officially elected as the "East Asian Cultural Capital" city for 2025, adding a beautiful "golden business card". It is reported that during the 15th China Japan Korea Cultural Ministers' Meeting, a ceremony was held to award the "East Asian Cultural Capital" in 2025. Zhang Zheng, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism of China, Masahito Moriyama, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Tourism of Japan, and Long Haosheng, the first official of the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, respectively awarded the plaques to representatives from the Macao Special Administrative Region of China, Huzhou City of China, Guoan City of South Korea, and Kamakura City of Japan. Ouyang Yu stated in her speech that the honor of "East Asian Cultural Capital" in 2025 is a recognition of Macau's efforts in urban cultural construction. Macao has always played an important role in East Asian cultural exchanges. In the future, we will continue to leverage the advantages of the convergence of Chinese and Western cultures and extensive international exchanges. With the creation of the "East Asian Cultural Capital" city, we will further assist and deepen cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation among China, Japan, and South Korea, and contribute to the development of dialogue among Asian civilizations. The MSAR government said that as the "Capital of East Asian Culture" in 2025, it will give full play to Macao's advantages as an important node of the "the Belt and Road", strengthen international cultural and artistic exchanges, and carry out a series of annual plans covering large-scale cultural exhibitions, international conferences, intangible cultural heritage performances, and cultural, sports and tourism events with the theme of "East meets West and Asia blends". At the same time, taking the creation of the "East Asian Cultural Capital" by 2025 as an opportunity, we will further expand the cultural connotation of the city, improve the public cultural service system and facility construction, deepen Macao's role as a "base for exchange and cooperation with Chinese culture as the mainstream and diverse cultures coexisting", and promote exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. It is understood that the selection of the "East Asian Cultural Capital" is the first international cultural city naming event in Asia jointly initiated by the three countries to implement the spirit of the China Japan South Korea Leaders' Meeting. The aim is to leverage the profound historical and cultural origins, common cultural context, and similar cultural traditions of China, Japan, and South Korea, and strengthen the international competitiveness of the region's culture through cultural, artistic, and tourism exchanges and cooperation. (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING Responsible editor:CAICAI

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