
Strengthening Security Cooperation through Mutual Understanding: Voices from the Dialogue among Young Military Officers and Scholars


Against the backdrop of frequent conflicts in the current international community, the interweaving and overlapping of traditional and non-traditional security threats, and the impact of unilateralism and power politics on the international system, how to handle international conflicts has become an important topic of discussion at the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum. On September 12th, several young military officers and scholars from China and abroad engaged in exchanges, discussions, and ideological collisions around this theme. Xie Siqiang, a young military officer from the Academy of Military Sciences, proposed three ways to resolve conflicts: prevention, mediation, and intervention. He believes that there is no universal solution to resolving international conflicts. Conflict and cooperation can be transformed into each other under certain conditions, and it is important to eliminate the root causes of conflict. At the same time, all parties need to create conditions for cooperation. On the forum, representatives from various countries also shared their opinions and viewpoints. We have different cultural backgrounds, whether it's a hot war or a cold war, and in the end, we have to solve it through dialogue and communication, "said Sarah Siniris, a researcher from King's College London in the UK, emphasizing the importance of dialogue in resolving conflicts and establishing communication mechanisms. Zhou Yiqi, an associate researcher at the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, believes that some of the current international conflicts have deep-seated historical and cultural reasons. Military means alone cannot solve these complex problems, and diplomatic means need to be the primary method of resolving them, establishing a peaceful resolution mechanism, and creating a favorable international environment. Ai Peisi, a researcher at the Frankfurt Peace Research Institute in Germany, mentioned that in resolving international conflicts and disputes, the role of multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations should be played, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, and one's own interests should not be placed above the United Nations Charter. Scholars attending the conference generally believe that major powers should take more responsibility and play their due role in resolving international conflicts, especially by upholding the principles of fairness and justice, rather than resorting to unilateral sanctions or double standards, otherwise it will only add fuel to the fire. Zhou Yiqi pointed out that some Western countries still adhere to the Cold War mentality and form narrow "small circles". Although claiming to be defensive in nature, they constantly create confrontation and escalate tensions. Xie Siqiang stated that China's global security initiative is committed to pursuing a new path of security through dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and win-win rather than zero sum. It is an innovative and sustainable security concept. At the dialogue, representatives from Russia and Ukraine also interacted, which is a vivid embodiment of the principles of equality, openness, inclusiveness, and mutual learning upheld by the Beijing Xiangshan Forum. As a mechanism platform for implementing global security initiatives, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum is committed to brainstorming, enhancing trust, dispelling doubts, and expanding cooperation. It has increasingly become a major global security and defense dialogue platform with important international influence, and an international public security product provided by China and shared by the world. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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