
Heaven sent 'Eagle' fate determines military camp: On this day, these 42 people are the happiest in a certain brigade of the Southern Theater Command


Recently, a certain aviation brigade of the Southern Theater Command held a Chinese style collective wedding for 21 newlyweds under the theme of "Heavenly Eagle Fate, Emotional Camp". Red and camouflage complement each other, loyalty and oath shine together. On this day, the green military camp was adorned with colorful red carpets, accompanied by the first ray of sunshine in the morning. The brides had already finished dressing up and were eagerly waiting for the arrival of the grooms. At around 10 o'clock in the morning, the wedding ceremony officially began. Accompanied by ancient music, 21 groom officials dressed in sky blue dresses, accompanied by the bride dressed in Chinese style dresses, walked into the marriage hall holding embroidered balls in front of their comrades and friends. It is reported that the officers and soldiers of the brigade have been stationed at the front line of military training and preparation for war all year round, undertaking major tasks such as combat readiness duty and training exercises. Most officers and soldiers gather less and more with their families, causing some officers and soldiers to postpone their wedding dates repeatedly. Some officers and soldiers rush to the front line of military training just after their wedding. This collective wedding is not only a romantic experience for exclusive military personnel, but also fulfilling the wishes of the officers and soldiers. The auditorium was filled with laughter and lively atmosphere. The wedding ceremony follows traditional Chinese customs, including the three respects and three concessions that are characteristic of military camps, as well as traditional ceremonies such as the eyebrow crossing ceremony, wedding banquet, and hair tie ceremony. We voluntarily become husband and wife, sign a family contract with each other, and form a strong military alliance together... "The newlyweds clasped their fingers together, recited the military marriage oath, and made a lifelong vow to hold hands and grow old together. Subsequently, the children from the military children's summer camp took the stage to deliver sincere blessings to the newlyweds. Finally, the newlyweds signed the marriage letter, and the wedding ceremony was successful and lively. The successful holding of this Chinese style collective wedding is a heartwarming and beneficial project launched by the brigade to sincerely help the officers and soldiers, always making solving their practical difficulties an important task in the annual work. It not only celebrates the important life events of the new generation, but also effectively enhances the pride, mission and happiness of the officers and soldiers, deepens the friendship between the military and civilians, consolidates military civilian unity, and inspires the officers and soldiers to devote themselves to the blue sky and live up to their heavy trust. (New Society)

Edit:Xiong Dafei Responsible editor:Li Xiang


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