
Our research team has developed a vehicle cloud field integrated autonomous driving virtual real fusion testing system


The International Alliance for Connected Vehicles and Intelligent Vehicle Testing Technology Innovation held its 2024 conference in Xi'an, Shaanxi on the 26th. At the meeting, the "Pioneer Vehicle Cloud Field Integrated Autonomous Driving Virtual Reality Fusion Testing System" developed by Professor Zhao Xiangmo's team from Chang'an University was officially released. The biggest feature of this testing system is the use of "virtual scenes" and "accelerated testing methods" to conduct highly reliable testing and evaluation of real autonomous vehicles. It is reported that the Pioneer test system is mainly composed of three parts: a closed test field with high precision perception and reliable communication capabilities, a test vehicle supporting status data upload and virtual scene injection, and a cloud platform with real-time twinning and dynamic simulation capabilities. Each part relies on multi-mode interconnection communication for information interaction and collaborative work to achieve integrated and synchronous operation of vehicle, cloud and field, so as to complete the acceleration test of autonomous vehicle in a virtual and real way. This system is mainly aimed at autonomous driving vehicle level platforms, integrating real testing site environments with cloud based twin simulation systems. It can perform accelerated testing, large-scale testing, and enhanced testing, and is an effective solution to address the testing accuracy, efficiency, and safety issues of the international "three pillar" testing methods (software simulation testing, public road testing, and closed field testing). The Pioneer testing system can also provide high realism, diversity, and edge testing scenarios for the tested vehicles, conducting multi-level, highly reliable, and efficient testing of the entire vehicle, modules, and algorithms, breaking through the dependence of existing autonomous driving technology evolution on real road testing, and providing strong support for software and hardware evaluation and iterative research and development in the field of autonomous driving in the future. It is understood that the testing system is a core achievement of the "14th Five Year Plan" national key research and development project "Automatic Driving Simulation and Digital Twin Testing and Evaluation Tool Chain" led by the team. At present, the testing system has been applied in some related enterprises. Zhao Xiangmo stated that further iteration and wider promotion of Pioneer testing system technology will provide strong technical support for high-level autonomous driving road permits, thereby promoting the rapid development of new quality productivity in the road transportation industry represented by autonomous driving, intelligent networking, and vehicle road collaboration. (New Society)

Edit:Xiong Dafei Responsible editor:Li Xiang


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