
The Ministry of Public Security has lawfully investigated and dealt with over 25000 netizens who spread rumors this year


The State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences today on promoting high-quality development. Wang Qiang, Director of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, introduced at the meeting that in recent years, stimulated by the "traffic economy", the content breadth, dissemination speed, update frequency, impact range, and social harm of online rumors have significantly increased. The Ministry of Public Security attaches great importance to this and has deployed national public security organs to continue carrying out a special operation to crack down on and rectify online rumors. Firstly, we must resolutely rectify the behavior of self media operators who fabricate rumors to attract followers and engage in illegal profit-making. Since the beginning of this year, the public security organs have investigated and dealt with more than 22000 cases of online rumors, lawfully investigated and dealt with more than 25000 netizens who spread rumors, guided network operators to shut down more than 160000 illegal and irregular accounts, and cleared more than 1.322 million pieces of online rumor information. Secondly, we will dig deep into prominent illegal and criminal activities such as behind the scenes manipulation, rumor mongering, and MCN institutions. A total of 623 such cases were investigated and dealt with, and 3397 illegal and criminal personnel were arrested. Thirdly, we attach great importance to the work of debunking and promoting rumors. Through the comprehensive use of various forms such as police reports, press conferences, media interviews and reports, release of typical cases, and offline promotional activities, we have continuously carried out publicity and education, and have exposed more than 3600 typical cases. Finally, strengthen comprehensive governance measures for website platforms. Persist in using crackdown to promote governance and crackdown to promote management, take major online rumor cases as the starting point, investigate website platform vulnerabilities, and deal with 1036 website platforms. Conduct individual interviews and rectification of key website platforms. (New Society)

Edit:Lubaikang Responsible editor:Chenze

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