
Consolidate the close relationship between officers and soldiers


President Xi emphasized the need to deepen the activities of respecting officials, loving soldiers, and fostering friendship between soldiers, cultivate revolutionary friendship among officers and soldiers, and consolidate and develop internal relationships of unity, friendship, harmony, and purity. A good relationship between officers and soldiers is a unique political advantage and fine tradition of our army, as well as an important weapon for our army to overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Consolidating close relationships between officers and soldiers is of great significance for ensuring the safety and stability of the troops and improving their combat effectiveness. Consolidate close relationships between officers and soldiers by exchanging hearts for hearts. Hand in hand and heart to heart communication with officers and soldiers is a fine tradition of our military, among which emphasizing regular heart to heart talks is an important part and a good way to "open a lock with one key". During the Long March, Comrade Mao Zedong often used the gaps between battles to have extensive and in-depth conversations with officers and soldiers, gradually unifying their thoughts and consolidating consensus. It has been proven that heart to heart talks and heart to heart exchanges are the "glue" that strengthens the relationship between officers and soldiers. As a military leader, it is necessary to put aside airs during heart to heart conversations, use more military language and emotional communication, and guide officers and soldiers to open up and understand what they are thinking, doing, and wanting during casual conversations. It should be recognized that conversation is not just a lecture, but a two-way interactive process. Only by putting oneself in others' shoes and saying 'you know my ups and downs, I understand your joys and sorrows' can we truly narrow the psychological distance between us and the officers and soldiers. Consolidate close relationships between officers and soldiers in serving the military. It is the important responsibility of leaders at all levels to actively solve problems and difficulties for officers and soldiers, and it is also an important way to consolidate and strengthen the close relationship between officers and soldiers. As a military leader, one must take the warmth and coldness of the officers and soldiers to heart, solve their urgent and difficult problems with emotions, missions, and responsibilities, handle every "big and small matter" of the officers and soldiers well, keep their hearts warm and full of energy. For example, providing timely comfort and assistance to officers and soldiers who have experienced family changes or setbacks in marriage and love; Timely coordination and resolution of issues related to family employment, children's education, medical treatment, legal rights protection, etc. If the military leader is unwilling to go deep into the ranks of officers and soldiers to do the work of solving difficulties and helping the needy, over time, the prestige of the military leader will become lower and the relationship between officers and soldiers will become weaker. Therefore, whether it is a trivial matter or a complicated and tricky procedure, military leaders should regard it as their own "duty" and use their heart, effort, and emotions to solve it. Consolidate close relationships between officers and soldiers through exemplary leadership. Comrade Wang Zhen once laid out a coffin and swore with his fists during a pre war mobilization: "I will lead the charge forward, die first, and put myself in this coffin after death." Comrade Xu Shiyou said, "There are officials who lead the charge, there are soldiers who are not afraid of death. The good fighting style of the army is brought by good commanders." At an important historical juncture, it was the "watching me" and "following me" of Party members and cadres that inspired the soldiers to bravely charge forward and sacrifice their lives, enabling our army to win one victory after another. Currently, the post-90s and post-00s generations have become the mainstay of the military, with strong democratic consciousness and a greater emphasis on equality between officers and soldiers. If the exemplary role of military leaders is not played well, it is easy for them to question "why should we do something if even cadres don't do it". As a military leader, only by living, training, and enduring hardships together with the soldiers, leading by example in every aspect, and taking the lead in everything, can we influence and drive the officers and soldiers with practical actions, and cultivate a revolutionary friendship of sharing joys and sorrows, life and death. (New Society)

Edit:Xiong Dafei Responsible editor:Li Xiang

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