

Recently, under the guidance of the Economic Investigation Team of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, the police in Nanchuan District of Chongqing cracked a job occupation case, and three suspect were taken criminal coercive measures according to law, involving more than 2.6 million yuan. After investigation, a company in Nanchuan District was established in the 1980s, implementing an independent accounting, autonomous operation, and self financing business strategy. All employees of the company invested in the store and jointly operated, making it a typical collective ownership enterprise. At present, the company's main source of income relies on collecting storefront rent and does not have specific business operations. The daily operations of the company are managed by three people: Party branch secretary Tang, manager Luo, and deputy manager Zhang. Three people took advantage of their positions to invest their wishful thinking into collective funds. After investigation, the company received a total of over 910000 yuan in transitional placement fees for storefronts from 2017 to 2023. On the day of receiving the payment, Zhang transferred the funds to his own bank account under the name of miscellaneous expenses, and did not record them in the company's account. The three individuals each profited more than 300000 yuan. In 2018, the company auctioned off its storefront and obtained 2.9978 million yuan, of which 127800 yuan was transferred to Zhang's personal bank account under the name of miscellaneous expenses, and 375000 yuan was transferred to Luo's relative's personal bank account under the name of decoration compensation. The three individuals each earned 167600 yuan. The three individuals also arranged for their relatives to join the company and embezzled collective funds through embezzlement. Since 2018, the son of Luo, the son of Zhang, and the daughter-in-law of Tang have been working in the company under the guise of empty pay, and each person receives their salary on time every month. As of 2023, the three individuals received salaries of 242000 yuan, 242000 yuan, and 241000 yuan respectively, totaling 725000 yuan. In addition to fictitious expenses and empty pay, the three individuals also jointly embezzled company property by purchasing fuel cards, distributing safety bonuses, and distributing union benefits, with a total of more than 2.6 million yuan involved in the case. In May of this year, three people were criminally detained by the Nanchuan police on suspicion of embezzlement, and were lawfully arrested in June of the same year. At present, the case is being further processed. (New Society)

Edit:Lubaikang Responsible editor:Chenze

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