
In July, a total of 20151 violations of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation were investigated and dealt with nationwide


On August 27th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released a summary of the nationwide investigation and punishment of violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations in July 2024. In that month, a total of 20151 cases of violating the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation were investigated and dealt with nationwide, with 28260 people criticized, educated, and dealt with. Among them, 18605 people were punished for party discipline and government affairs. This is the 131st consecutive month that the monthly report data has been released. From the perspective of the types of problems investigated and dealt with, in terms of fulfilling duties, serving economic and social development, and protecting the ecological environment, failure to take responsibility, inaction, disorderly behavior, and false behavior seriously affected high-quality development. In July, a total of 8364 problems were investigated and dealt with, accounting for 83.0% of the total number of formalism and bureaucracy problems investigated and dealt with that month. The three types of issues investigated in July, including illegal collection and delivery of precious specialties and gifts, illegal eating and drinking, and illegal distribution of subsidies or benefits, accounted for 46.9%, 24.2%, and 15.4% of the hedonism and extravagance issues investigated that month, respectively. From the level of investigation and punishment, in July, a total of 90 cases of leading cadres at the prefecture level, 1141 cases of leading cadres at the county level, and 18920 cases of cadres at the township level and below were investigated and punished nationwide. Among them, the problems of township level and below cadres accounted for 93.9% of the total number of issues investigated and dealt with. We will deepen the implementation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation in a long-term and regular manner. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should implement a strict tone in all aspects of the process of rectifying the "four undesirable behaviors", crack down on formalism and bureaucracy strongly reflected by cadres and the masses, closely monitor the emergence of hedonism and extravagance, and strictly deal with the problems of "express delivery and gift giving" as well as tourism using public funds under the guise of training and inspection, party building activities, etc. We will carry out special rectification of illegal eating and drinking, improve the mechanism of investigating and treating corruption, and resolutely prevent the resurgence of the "four undesirable behaviors" problem. We must make great efforts to eradicate the soil and conditions that breed the "Four Winds", and link the investigation and punishment of the "Four Winds" problem with deepening reform, improving systems, and promoting governance. We must continuously weave and strengthen the institutional cage, and resolutely build the dam of the Central Eight point Regulation. The Third Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasized the need to accurately detect and strictly handle issues such as "gift giving by express delivery" in order to crack down on the unhealthy trend of receiving and delivering gifts in violation of regulations. Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels should closely monitor the issue of illegal receipt and distribution of gifts and cash, crack down on any violations of discipline and discipline, promptly rectify any hidden and abnormal phenomena, and strictly prevent the spread of unhealthy practices. To rectify the problem of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and cash, we must adhere to a strict tone and accurately grasp the boundary between "gift" and "rule". 'Li' emphasizes the expression of respect and etiquette, and itself contains the meaning of rules and norms. Most human relationships in real life have established norms and habits. Party members and cadres who hold public power should have stricter requirements and grasp the boundary between normal personal relationships and violations of rules and regulations. From the investigation and handling of cases, it can be seen that some people engage in interest exchange under the banner of normal interpersonal communication. Those who give gifts in violation of regulations exchange "gifts" for "benefits", while those who receive gifts in violation of regulations seek "benefits" through "power". Gift money has become a carrier for exchanging funds, requesting services, and colluding interests, which undermines social atmosphere and damages the image of the Party. Our party has always been highly vigilant about the harm caused by it. Since the 1980s, regulations have been made on the behavior of party members and cadres receiving and giving gifts and money in domestic official activities, foreign official activities, and domestic communication activities. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the rectification of illegal receipt and gift giving has become a key focus of implementing the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation. From strictly prohibiting gift giving in official reception activities, to revising disciplinary regulations to regulate the "reciprocity" behavior of party members and cadres, and then to regulating the gift giving of souvenirs in business reception activities. The purpose is to establish a clear "hard line" for receiving gifts and cash, so that party members and cadres can follow it, and supervision and discipline can be regulated. To rectify the problem of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and gold, we must adhere to solving each problem one by one, focusing on rectifying the problems that are prominent. In the new era, the rectification work starts from investigating trivial matters, strictly controlling the purchase and gift of New Year cards, fireworks and firecrackers with public funds, and using "small incisions" to drive in-depth rectification of the problem of public fund gift giving; Adapt to changes in the situation, keep up with the times, adjust the focus of rectification, and firmly crack down on the illegal collection and delivery of "sky high" mooncakes and crab coupons; Combining with the theme education of "staying true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind", we will rigorously investigate the problem of leading cadres using precious specialties and special resources for personal gain, and conquer each mountain one by one. Through continuous efforts, the issue of public funds giving gifts has been effectively curbed, and mooncakes and other festive gifts have returned to the taste of the people from high-end gifts. Significant results have been achieved in the rectification work, and adhering to the problem oriented approach to solving party conduct problems has become an important experience in implementing the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation. What needs to be highly vigilant at present is that under the high-pressure situation, the problem of illegally receiving and giving gifts and gifts has been changed and embellished. Some have put on the guise of human emotions, illegally receiving and giving gifts at nodes, and illegally receiving gifts and gifts during wedding, funeral, and festive events; Some people illegally accept gifts and money under the guise of teaching fees, project fees, consulting fees, etc. under the pretext of borrowing work; Some alternative methods of receiving and delivering gifts and cash illegally through logistics, express delivery, and electronic means, attempting to "deceive the world". Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should continue to adhere to the principle of tackling one problem at a time, strengthen supervision and discipline enforcement, resolutely rectify hidden and mutated problems, and continuously achieve new results in rectification work with the spirit of nailing nails. To rectify the problem of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and cash, it is necessary to comprehensively promote the investigation, governance, and education work, and focus on eradicating the soil and conditions that breed the problem. Case handling is the most powerful means. We will identify and investigate any violations of gift giving and receiving, and adhere to the principle of investigating corruption together. For those who violate discipline and have serious circumstances, we will use disciplinary and organizational measures to deal with them strictly. We will publicly report typical cases and send a strong signal. Strengthening institutional construction is a long-term strategy. We need to promote reform and governance through practical cases, thoroughly investigate the institutional shortcomings and management loopholes exposed by the problem of illegal receipt and payment of gifts and gold, promote relevant regions and units to improve regulations and optimize governance with the spirit of reform, resolutely cut off the chain between "gifts" and "benefits", and continuously improve institutional mechanisms. Carrying out regular discipline education is a key measure. It is necessary to focus on the relevant regulations prohibiting the illegal collection and delivery of gifts and gifts, strengthen business training, policy interpretation, and case guidance, carry out warning education based on people and things around us, guide cadres to strengthen their awareness of discipline and rules, consciously resist the erroneous concepts of "human feelings theory", "small details theory", "difficult to handle things without invitation", and not cross the "bottom line" or "red line", and transform iron discipline into conscious compliance and behavioral norms. (New Society)

Edit:Lubaikang Responsible editor:Chenze

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